Pneumatic vs. Cordless Power Tools
10.14.2021 | Nailers & Compressors
Using a pneumatic system in high-rise commercial building construction might not be something you’ve thought about recently, mostly because you’ve gotten used to using cordless gas or powder actuated tools (“P.A.T”) for fastening metal track or wood to concrete or steel. However, there are some unique reasons why you may want to consider using the PowerLite® high-pressure system in high-rise commercial buildings as an alternative.
PowerLite® is a unique pneumatic system. PowerLite® compressors are able to compress air up to 500 psi which creates much more power than conventional 100 psi tools. Designed with a lightweight body and engineered for heavy duty applications, PowerLite® tools are built to place fasteners into steel, concrete, and engineered wood.
View the Full Case Study Here: Pneumatic vs. Cordless Power Tools Case Study